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How to save on prescription drugs

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Image by Darko Stojanovic from Pixabay 

Save on your prescription drugs

There are many money-saving tips on buying prescription drugs and one way to do this is to check all your resources and look for other possibilities that will help you complete your savings task.

A recent national study of prescription drugs shows that most Americans use more prescription drugs at a younger age. Often, people use ineffective medical products to get products that are stronger but are approved by the government.

The study revealed that American spending increased by twenty-five percent each year between 1996 and 1999.

The same is true for seniors. This indicates that more than fifty percent of the elderly are not covered by any insurance including special medicinal benefits for prescription drugs.

The following tips provide the best recommendations for saving on prescription drugs and how one can keep them fresh and save on future drug needs.

a) Use Generic Medicines - Don't forget to ask for the brand of generic medication that was prescribed to you. Up to fifty percent or more can be saved from the cost of the initial treatment prescribed by your doctor.

The use of generic brand drugs can help you save on the average cost of each drug. Most pharmacies do not offer generic brands unless specifically asked.

b) Make Comparisons - Be sure to compare prices from different pharmacies before finally buying. The value can vary widely. Some pharmacies can offer certain discounts on certain brands of drugs.

c) Look for Discounts - AARP members can receive discounts especially from discounted pharmacy orders by mail. Check the Veterans Administration to check if you qualify for veterans benefits.

d) Keep Drugs out of the Sun. Be sure to store your medicines and pills away from moisture and heat to ensure optimal potency of these drugs. Most drugs, when exposed to sunlight, tend to lose their potency.

This occurs because the chemical properties of the drug are destroyed and thus lose its original chemical effect on the body.

e) Talk to Your Doctor - It is okay to ask questions and ask your doctor about any medications that have been prescribed for you. You are still in control of your own health. And most doctors even expect you to ask for the cheaper brand of medicine that is written on your prescription.

You are the only one responsible for your health; You must know very well all the drugs and medications you are taking.

f) Assess yourself - It is very important to keep a daily "log" of your physical health. It is very easy to research your medical condition on the Internet. Maximize your resources.

Adhere to the treatment plan that you and your doctor have designed for your health. Following this plan carefully and specifically can help you save money and avoid recurrences of existing illnesses in the future.

g) Duplicate - The fastest way to save money is to split the cost of drugs in half. One way to do this is to cut the drug in half to get to the exact desired dose.

For example, if your doctor prescribes a dosage of 40 mg, you can buy an 80 mg tablet and split it in half. This is because there is a very small difference between the price of 40 mg and 80 mg. You can save by doing this technique.

h) Request samples. Many pharmaceutical companies provide their pharmacy with more than adequate sample drugs. They are eager to let people try their product.

All you have to do is ask your pharmacist. These can be very safe for short-term illnesses, and can help you save money before you buy.

i) Find out what your health insurance covers. Make sure you fully understand the scope before signing up with the plan. Specify the maximum amount of your co-payments that will be paid for the entire year. More often than not, health plans only approve certain drugs that have been approved in advance.

Don't forget to consult your family doctor before actually signing up for the package. The open formulary offers a wider range of drugs but the plan costs will definitely vary.

j) It is cheaper to buy drugs in bulk. However, make sure to discuss this with your doctor, some drugs are not recommended to buy in bulk. 

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